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     Welcome aboard! Glad you're here! 

 â€‹        The Musical Extravaganza returns Tuesday, ​May 30, 2023.

                                      Showtimes 2P and 6P.

Pre-purchased tickets $20 ... $2​5 at the door.

Click on the​ "Purchase Extravaganza Tickets" 

link to the left or phone 601-750-2364

"If you enjoy funny-to-the-bone tales from back-home, quick one-liners, vocal favorites from yesteryear, movies, Broadway, radio and TV; and a fellow playing lots of fun stuff on the 88's ... you'll love my boy!"

Margaret Elizabeth Hoss Clark

Bill's mother and biggest fan (1920 - 2012)

• Chamber/Civic/Church Groups

• Senior Adult Functions

• Conventions and Conferences

Bill Clark has been entertaining folks through music and humor since he was a teen. Today, while still active in business, he is devoting more and more of his time to what he loves doing best -- making "music and laughter."

Years ago, Bill began noticing that humorous people seemed to live longer. George Burns and Bob Hope lived over 100 years. Milton Berle lived to 94. Victor Borge and Henny Youngman lived to 91. It seems laughter stimulates the immune system, relaxes muscles, relieves stress, and releases endorphins.

Living to the age of 969 and 936 respectively, Bill concluded Methuselah and Adam must have spent a lot of

time listening to some old goat-herder tell funny stories.

Have Bill entertain for your next event ... and live longer!

With over 30 years in television/radio (WLBT/WJDX & ), advertising and marketing, Bill is perhaps best remembered in Central Mississippi for his commercials-with-a-twist as spokesman for Brandon Furniture Company and his alter-ego, "Dr. Brandonne' Furnechur."

The combination of smooth vocals, humor, and candy-to-the-ear is sure to please your group or organization.

Call 601-750-2364 for available dates and rates.

Email at:

Selectively available for background music only.

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